The Backcountry
Google Map Location
Get yourself a map and plan ahead!
usually there is no phone service, do you have your beacons?
Hours of Operation
Weather dependent, have you checked the snow pack?
Whats’s Special About June Lake
June Lake has unparalleled access to the backcountry, and there are many ways to get there. But you need to keep a few things in mind:
- Know about avalanche safety
- Know where you are going – Do your homework
- Know what you are doing – Do you have the correct skills?
- Don’t go alone
- Have the right gear for your planned trip
Your safety is paramount, and the risk and rewards are endless. Keep our Search and Rescue teams safe by being educated and prepared for your adventure. Decisions should be based on current conditions and not summit fever. We will not provide specific areas to check out, but rather remind you to go about it smartly. When you look up…the choices are clear.
Get a Guide
If you are not sure where to start, here are some helpful links:
Business Website
June Lake Loop has year round activities
The busiest tourism season is Summer (June/July/Aug)
The water is better up here, drink it from the tap
Looking for more information.
Visit our FAQs
Elevation – 7,654 feet (2,333 meters)
Population – 629 (feels more like 400 year round)
Zip Code – 93529
Interested in planning an event in June Lake. Click here for more information.
#1 – Pick up trash, even if it is not yours
#2 – Pick up your dog’s poop, it doesn’t magically disappear in the snow
#3 – Be friendly and patient, things move a bit slower up here
#4 – Don’t feed the wildlife
For more information on how to be awesome check out this link